The trend to keep only electronic documentation, the increasing number of legal regulations or the rising customer requirements cause that the scope of risk and the number of hazards related to the management of a law office are still rising. The owners are aware of that. More and more of them decide to buy tools enabling intelligent risk management. They are aware that although the tools will not eliminate all problems, they will allow to decrease the number of errors, complaints or claims. Thus, they will minimise the risk of the increasing insurance premiums, financial loss and losing reputation or clients. The new platform in the European Union market, designed to facilitate work of a law office stands out from all the others because it has a completely new functionality. As the first one in Europe, it allows to manage the risk related to client distribution among individual employees.
Two basic risks
We hear more and more about modern risk management in a law office as well as about the risk factors themselves. Clients, documentation related issues, information flow matters, procedures used in the company and the kinds of services offered constitute these factors. Although risk factors are mentioned more and more frequently, many law office owners still do not realize that employees are also one of them.
The functioning of a law office bases on the work and engagement of employees, who should be competent, experienced and properly prepared to execute the tasks entrusted to them. Thus, many law office owners see the biggest personnel-related risk in the lack of suitable supervision or internal procedures. To minimise the hazard, they implement internal instructions and codes which limit the number of possible errors and the amount of neglect. However, Błażej Robaszyński, a barrister, draws attention to a different kind of personnel-related risk:
'Frequently, a small group of employees takes care of as many as 80 per cent of key clients. We know cases in which a single employee has achieved this result.
The problem is that when such an employee leaves, it usually means that his client leaves, too.'
The CasuSoft platform allows automatic evaluation of two basic employee-related risks. These are: the risk of having too many clients assigned to one employee and the risk of having too many cases assigned to one employee.
'The risk management module allows to analyse client distribution among individual employees and the income the employees generate, and, thus, protect the user in the highest possible scope from the hazards resulting from the termination of cooperation with an employee', adds Robaszyński.
The module also allows to organise and control employees' working time and generates reports on their efficiency.
Prevent and manage risk
Risk management in a law office consists in identifying the risk factors, their analysis, monitoring and control, predicting the scope of their influence on the company's activity and reputation, and the evaluation of actions taken. CasuSoft is based on an innovative formula which manages risk using patterns and algorithms. It allows to have a repository of identified hazards and make both quantitative and financial analysis (based on the income generated by individual employees). On the basis of the results, partners managing the office are able to diversify the assignment of key clients to individual employees and become protected in case key lawyers leave the office.
CasuSoft software is a modern system developed with small and large offices in mind. It allows effective office management as well as reliable and efficient customer service. It is a kind of repository of information and processes which take place in each law office. Apart from the risk management module, it also offers other functionalities, such as online document access, safe data storage and automatic system feed with newly published legal acts.
More information can be found here: www.casusoft.com/en
Project co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund under the Innovative Economy Operational Programme