Estate Planning

A bit more information

How Heir Hunters Can Improve Their Damaged Reputation

13th April 2021
Research has shown a distressing lack of trust in the honesty and transparency of probate genealogists. However, this reputation can still be turned around.
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Lawyers and Financial Advisers Must Work Together

8th April 2021
To maintain a good level of public access to financial advice, we must see greater collaboration betwen lawyers and financial services professionals.
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5 Things to Consider When Estate Planning

18th March 2021
Planning your estate is an uncomfortable, but necessary task. Lift a weight off your family’s shoulders by considering these steps. 
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How Will Elder Law Shift?

4th March 2021
Prior to the pandemic, there was a trend towards more home care for the elderly.  “It is expected that this trend will continue considering how nursing homes and assisted living facilities have been required to restrict visitation during the pandemic”, explains Annemarie Schreiber, an Elder Law Attorney in New Jersey. “This will impact the advice […]
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Probate Genealogy Sector: The Changes We Need to See by the End of 2021

26th February 2021
This year could end in a return to form for troubled legal sectors, or it could represent a positive new beginning for truly ethical practice.
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What Does 2021 Hold for the World of Pensions?

8th January 2021
If the last year has taught us anything, it is that we need to embrace uncertainty, and acknowledge that we don’t know what the future holds.
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Succession Planning & Tax in the COVID Era

6th January 2021
Has the pandemic affected the number of contentious matters you have had to deal with? It is difficult to see if the statistics will show more contentious work over the last year so far.  As someone who has been working in this area for some years there continues to be a steady increase particularly around […]
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