Family law requires a unique set of skills from due diligence to demonstrating compassion. How do you get the balance right so that you are able to help your clients achieve their goals? There is no one right approach to this, as each client requires a different level of attention and communication. Personally, I am very direct and honest with my clients. I think transparency is very important to set and manage clients’ expectations. I try to ensure clients understand their options and the reasons behind them. I will also suggest various resources to clients if I think it can be helpful for them to have that additional support. Ultimately, I want my clients to remain hopeful through the process and know that I will try my best to help them achieve their goals. In the particularly sensitive area of child custody, how do you work with your clients to ensure that the welfare and wellbeing of the child is always the guiding consideration? My role is to protect my client’s best interests. When addressing custody concerns, it is important to understand what my client’s concerns and goals are for his or her child. We then work as best as possible within the confines of the law to achieve those goals. Part of this includes regular communication with clients to understand any developments or shifts that occur throughout the representation process. What are the unique challenges that you face as an attorney when dealing with child custody cases? Maintaining boundaries with clients. As an attorney, I am not even allowed to speak with my client’s child. Often, that child has their own court-appointed attorney, known as an Attorney for the Child. For some clients this can create a disconnect in the work we are doing to achieve their goals from the daily issues that may arise throughout their case. It is important to explain these issues to Tackling the Challenges of Family Law 46 LAWYERMONTHLY JANUARY 2023 Dealing with what are often intensely personal matters for clients, family law makes demands of lawyers that few other sectors do. New York family law attorney Andrea B Friedman expands upon some of those demands in this feature, while also sharing her own priorities in delivering the best possible results for her clients. Expert Insight Contact Andrea B Friedman Friedman & Friedman PLLC, Attorneys at Law 120 Bloomingdale Road, Suite 307, White Plains, NY 10605, USA Tel: +1 914-686-8258 Fax: +1 914-873-0957 E:
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